Genus Information
Sansevieria are now classified as being within the Dracaena genus after a study of the plant’s DNA however former members of the genus are still commonly sold under the Sansevieria name. Sansevieria sold as house plants are typically Sansevieria trifasciata or Sansevieria cylindrica, both of which are known as particularly tough species and can cope with a wide variety of light levels and periods of droughts.nn
Care Requirements – Easy
Light requirements
Sanseveiria trifasciata prefers bright indirect sunlight but can equally tolerate shade.
Watering requirements
The Snake Plant can tolerate periods of drought and does not like to sit in wet soil, you should allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out between watering.
Humidity requirements
Sanseveiria trifasciata, can handle a wide range of humidity’s, so it will be happy wherever you put it.
Can reach heights of up to 1.5 metres but is a slow grower. It will however be restricted by the size of pot it is in.
Originally native to West Africa.
Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’ only very rarely produces flowers indoors
Also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue due to the sansevieria’s long stiff leaves with a sharp appearance, this cultivar has yellow edges with a patterned green centre. Its foliage is known to be mildly toxic.