Alstroemeria, which is commonly known as Peruvian Lilies or Lily of the Incas despite not being true Lilies. Flowers can be reds, oranges pinks and yellows, as well as some shades of white. Originally found across Brazil and Chile and brought to Europe in the 1700s, it is a long-lived perennial that can survive for many years, however some cultivars are only half hardy and may need Winter protection.
Key Facts
- Common Name(s):Peruvian Lily ‘Christina’
- Hardiness:Half hardy and would benefit from protection through Winter.
- How big will I get? Alstroemeria ‘Christina’ [Little Miss Series] can grow to a height of 1m and a spread of 1m.
- Did You Know That:Alstroemeria can last over two weeks as cut flowers?
Plant Calendar
A rough guide to how this plant will change through the year.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
Flowering Time | ||||||||||||
Foliage Colour |
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
Care Guide
Soil Requirements
Alstroemeria ‘Christina’ [Little Miss Series] prefers moist but well-draining soil. This plant can grow in soil with a wide range of pH levels, it is not picky about the pH level of the soil.
Best Position
Alstroemeria ‘Christina’ [Little Miss Series] can handle either an exposed or a sheltered position and can cope with either full sun or partial shade.
Alstroemeria ‘Christina’ [Little Miss Series] is fairly low maintenance and doesn’t require any pruning.
Pest, Diseases and Wildlife
Alstroemeria ‘Christina’ [Little Miss Series] is generally pest free, and it tends not to have problems with diseases. It is also known to attract bees and butterflies. It is not considered to be toxic.