Scent From Heaven Climbing Rose


Scent From Heaven Climbing Rose in a 5.5 litre pot.

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This award-winning climbing rose was crowned the Rose of the Year in 2017 and for good reason. Its powerful and delicious fragrance earned it an additional accolade at the Paris International Rose Trials, and it was also awarded a Certificate of Merit in the Royal National Rose Society Trials. Bred in Britain by renowned rose hybridizer Chris Warner, this repeat-bloomer starts flowering in early summer with elegantly pointed apricot-orange blooms that last until early autumn. It’s not only a stunning addition to any garden but also highly disease-resistant, making it a low-maintenance choice for rose enthusiasts. To complement its vibrant blooms, ‘Scent from Heaven’ pairs well with blue or purple flowering plants like Lavender, Salvia, or Delphinium. For a softer contrast, consider planting it alongside white or pink roses like ‘Iceberg’ or ‘Gertrude Jekyll’.

Key Facts

  • Common Name(s):Scent from Heaven Rose
  • Hardiness:Fully hardy
  • How big will I get? Rosa ‘Scent from Heaven’ can grow to a height of 3m and a spread of 2m.
  • Did You Know That:Roses come in many different colors, each with its own symbolic meaning. For example, red roses represent love and passion, while yellow roses represent friendship and joy?

Plant Calendar

A rough guide to how this plant will change through the year.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Flowering Time
Foliage Colour

Care Guide

Soil Requirements

Rosa ‘Scent from Heaven’ prefers moist but well-draining soil. This plant can grow in soil with a wide range of pH levels, it is not picky about the pH level of the soil.

Best Position

Rosa ‘Scent from Heaven’ can handle either an exposed or a sheltered position and requires full sun to thrive, this consists of more than six hours of direct sunshine per day.


Rosa ‘Scent from Heaven’ should be pruned in late winter or early spring, before new growth begins. Start by removing any dead, damaged, or diseased wood from the plant, cutting back to healthy wood and sterilizing your pruning shears between cuts to prevent disease spread. To encourage the growth of new canes, cut back the lateral branches on the main stems to two or three buds. Tie in new canes to your support structure as they grow, using a soft material like twine or velcro tape to prevent damage to the plant. Finally, remove any crossing branches or branches that are rubbing against each other to prevent damage and encourage healthy growth. By following these steps, you can keep your climbing roses healthy, attractive, and blooming beautifully year after year.

Pest, Diseases and Wildlife

Rosa ‘Scent from Heaven’ can have problems with aphids, leafhoppers, and scale insects , it can be vulnerable to certain diseases such as black spot, rust and powdery mildews. It is also known to attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators. It is not considered to be toxic.

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